Why the Y: A.L.’s Next Steps Story

A man and woman sit together, laughing and talking.

Y Employment Services Support Transitions: A.L.’s Story 

“A.L. was a participant in our fourth cohort of the Y Works Program in Windsor. A.L. was a recent university graduate who was trying to figure out the next steps after completing their degree. Much like many post-secondary graduates, they were unsure of what to pursue next as they transitioned into the next part of their life. As such, they decided to apply to the program in hopes of learning the skills necessary to not only be successful in the workplace or how to navigate the labour market but other valuable life skills.  

During our intake interview, A.L. stated that they were also very interested in learning about financial literacy and managing budgets. Through the program, A.L. was not only able to learn from our curriculum but gained first-hand knowledge from financial experts as well through guest presentations. Today, A.L. has now completed all parts of the program while continuing to work and earned a scholarship to continue their education at a master's level.”   

Learn more about our Employment Services Programs here.